Author - Tags API


Object Synopses


  • tags String[]

    Array of possible tag completions.


  • name String Required

    The name of a tag.

  • context_id Integer Required

    The ID of the object the tag is for.

  • context_type String Required

    The type of the object the tag is for. May only be set to ‘course_template’ at this time.


Fetch list of tags

GET /api/author/tags

No documentation available yet.

Fetch specific tag

GET /api/author/tags/:id

No documentation available yet.

Update tags

PATCH /api/author/tags/:id
PUT /api/author/tags/:id

No documentation available yet.

Convert specific tag to a cateogry

POST /api/author/tags/:id/convert

No documentation available yet.

Delete tag

DELETE /api/author/tags/:id

No documentation available yet.

Create tag

POST /api/author/tags

No documentation available yet.

List possible autocomplete values for a search term.

GET /api/author/taggings

Locates possible tag names given a search term and an object that can be tagged. Any tag names that have already been associated with the object are omitted from the results. Returns an Author - Tags::TagCompletions object.


  • term String Required

    The term to use to search possible tag names.

  • context_id Integer Required

    The ID of the object the tag is for.

  • context_type String [ course_template ] Required

    The type of the object the tag is for.

Example Request

  "term": "tec",
  "context_id": 3,
  "context_type": "course_template"
curl \
  -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d '{"term":"tec","context_id":3,"context_type":"course_template"}' \

Example Response

  "tags": [
    "technical training",
    "tectonic measurement",
    "technical certification"

Possible Errors:

Your request may be rejected with an HTTP status code and an error message from the following set:

Response Code Details
400 Bad Request "invalid_context_type"

An unsupported context type was passed.

Tag an object

POST /api/author/taggings


  • taggings Taggings Required

    An object representing a set of tags to add.

Possible Errors:

Your request may be rejected with an HTTP status code and an error message from the following set:

Response Code Details
400 Bad Request "invalid_context_type"

An unsupported context type was passed.

This endpoint returns HTTP 204: No Content on success.